"Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!"
The Eddie chant was one of my favorite parts about going to Okie St. basketball games. Refs that came to Gallagher-Iba Arena in Stillwater knew that if they blew a call, Head Coach Eddie Sutton would let 'em hear it, and that, in turn, would fire up the student section as we would show our support for our legendary coach.
I could share hundreds of stories about my second favorite basketball coach of all time, but I don't have the time to write them, and I've put you through enough long-winded posts in the past year that I'm afraid if I wrote another, you'd boycott this blog. So, in honor of Eddie being inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame last week, I'll simply leave you with a photo of the time I graced a Tulsa billboard with the Coach.
Oh, and speaking of basketball coaches; My friend, Mo-T and I wrapped up another season coaching the local Catholic school's 5th grade girls team. At the sports banquet to recognize all of the student-athletes from the school, we decided a normal speech wouldn't suffice for all the hard work our girls put in... Click HERE. Enjoy!
-Peace be da journey