Sunday, March 6, 2011

Eddie is in the HOF!

"Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!"

The Eddie chant was one of my favorite parts about going to Okie St. basketball games. Refs that came to Gallagher-Iba Arena in Stillwater knew that if they blew a call, Head Coach Eddie Sutton would let 'em hear it, and that, in turn, would fire up the student section as we would show our support for our legendary coach.

I could share hundreds of stories about my second favorite basketball coach of all time, but I don't have the time to write them, and I've put you through enough long-winded posts in the past year that I'm afraid if I wrote another, you'd boycott this blog. So, in honor of Eddie being inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame last week, I'll simply leave you with a photo of the time I graced a Tulsa billboard with the Coach.

Oh, and speaking of basketball coaches; My friend, Mo-T and I wrapped up another season coaching the local Catholic school's 5th grade girls team. At the sports banquet to recognize all of the student-athletes from the school, we decided a normal speech wouldn't suffice for all the hard work our girls put in... Click HERE. Enjoy!

-Peace be da journey