Week 10 of summer camp at Camp Gray is akin to the 19th hole at a golf course (unless H1N1 ravages our camp staff like a destructive rebel force, forcing us to offer a 10th week of summer camp because two session earlier in the summer had to be closed, a la summer 2009 - thankfully, summer 2010 came and went without any major pork disasters (or any real major disasters in general, which is good, because major disasters are frowned upon 'round these parts)). Summer camp wrapped up about three weeks ago, and since that time, I've had the opportunity to: take in some R&R; partake in some travel; watch my lifelong for two years favorite baseball team play; get talked into subscribing to NFL Sunday Ticket on DirecTV (come on over, we'll watch some football); play a round or three of golf; finally paint over the purple paint that used to be the paint color of choice in 2/3 of my humble home - making it look more like a dorm room than an actual residence; and get rolling with Grad School once again.
There has been a lot going on, with many stories to share, but rather than drone on for roughly 15,000 words, I thought I would instead post approximately 15 photos with brief captions under each, because as many of you know, I am quite fond of adages, and there happens to be one that fits perfectly:
Per wikipedia: The adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the idea that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image.
Let's start with my brief adventure to the city of bridges, Pittsburgh, PA!
The Pittsburgh skyline. To enjoy this view, you must brave the Duquesne Incline, which I did, and which I recommend!
Evidently, back at the start of the last century, the Pirates ownership group actually held on to talented baseball players. The second best baseball player of all time, J.P. Honus Wagner was a Pirate from 1900-1917.
My good buddy, Jason Hedger (who I co-starred with in the box office hit, "Alaska or Bust") is a grad student at West Virginia University, which is conveniently only a short hour drive south of Pittsburgh. He was able to join me and spend the day with me in Pittsburgh, and was extremely excited to take in some pre-game BP.
There are certainly benefits to rooting for the worst team in baseball: 12th row tickets will run you a mere $27 (which is 1/10th of what the New York Yankees charge for 12th row seats).
Pirates legend Roberto Clemente brought superhuman skills (not to mention superhuman size) to the Pirates organization for 18 years.
There is nothing quite like an 11:59pm departure on an Amtrak train out of Pittsburgh. Nothing. (There is also nothing quite like sleeping on the floor of the dining cart and being woken up at 6:00am by a bitter-sweet combination of a disgruntled train employee and a picturesque sunrise over a beautiful midwestern landscape.)
After 12 hours on the train, I returned to camp just in time to join Tom, Camp's hardworking Maintenance Chief, on the calm waters of nearby Devil's Lake for some quality fishing.
The model train looking size of the train rolling by on the shores of Devil's Lake puts into proper perspective the overwhelmingly gargantuan size of the surrounding bluffs. (You should really come and visit, and I'll take you there).
Devil's Lake at Dusk. Wonderful.
To wrap up a great week 10, I rolled out west to the beautiful river side town of La Crosse, where I spent some time with my good buddies Pat and Tim. In addition to taking in a draft for fantasy football (Tom Brady!), and eating lots of meat, we took a swing (or 100) at some golf.
To wrap up a great week 10, I rolled out west to the beautiful river side town of La Crosse, where I spent some time with my good buddies Pat and Tim. In addition to taking in a draft for fantasy football (Tom Brady!), and eating lots of meat, we took a swing (or 100) at some golf.
If ever there was a 3-man scramble tournament, I am confident we would finish dead last.
Pat's golf swing and putting form may be a bit unorthodox, but no more than Tim's unique way of tending the pin.
Well, thanks for tuning in, friends! It was certainly an adventurous week 10, and I am now excited to get into the swing of my year-round responsibilities at camp, as well as get rolling on year two of Grad School.
Peace be da journey.
1 comment:
Go Pokes. :)
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