Have we at 'a blog' thanked you lately for being a loyal reader of 'a blog'? Well, our apologies for our lack of verbal or written appreciation. Truth be told, it's because of you, coming to this humble site to read about our daily adventures, that we continue to update 'a blog'.
That being said, as much as I'm sure you've enjoyed reading about: my attempts to grow a mustache and kill a deer; my success in balancing peacock feathers, dominating extreme ping pong, and catching shrews; and the hard work I've put in to become a life-long-for-two-years Pittsburgh Pirates fan, you've most likely, on occasion, thought, "Wow, it'd be really nice if Chris actually had a real adventure to write about..."
Well gang, that day is just around the corner!
On a recent, abnormally warm, mid-October afternoon, I stumbled across this website: click here. "What?" I thought to myself. "Could it be? A website that is combining two of my greatest passions (travel and writing) into an award for writing an essay of mere 400 word length?" "Wait, what? The winning essay isn't chosen based on quality, rather it's chosen based on the number of votes the writer of said essay receives?"
Yes, friends, I thought all of this to myself. And then I thought, "I could write a 400 word essay in my sleep (though it wouldn't be very good), and I have an abundance (31) of loyal readers here at 'a blog' that would certainly vote for me."
So gang, would you do me the honor of reading my essay (which I have posted below), and then take the time to vote for me by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page?
You da man (women).
While a student at Oklahoma State University, a good buddy of mine helped to land me a job at OSU's campus post office (this was way back when stamps only cost a mere 37 cents!). Frequent visitors of the post office included buddies that were killing time between classes, a lady with a mustache, a campus police officer, and most interesting: the many international students that spent their formative collegiate years learning from the terrific professors at Oklahoma's finest land grant institution.
It was very interesting and eye-opening to meet and develop relationships with people from countries all over the world - several of which I had never even heard of. Thankfully, tacked to the wall of the post office was a large map of the world, which I would use almost daily to find the home countries of these mail sending students. Additionally, whenever business in the post office was slow, I would catch myself staring at the map dreaming of a day when I would have the financial means and the time to explore every nook and cranny of our crazy world. I felt like a great lion caged in the Oklahoma City zoo, only I was a simple college student from Oklahoma yearning to see the world.
Likewise, credit for my desire to see the world is given to the many "vagabond spirited" friends I made in college, with whom I would constantly be in discussions about which cardinal direction we should head on our next domestic road trip. Because of these talks, and the eagerness of friends to see sweet places all over our great nation, I left college having been to all but four states (we even road tripped to Alaska one summer!).
Though I'm a proponent of the adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," I would constantly find myself journaling in order to capture the priceless memories I had from these incredible experiences. I found through writing about my adventures, that I love to write, and I love to share stories from the aforementioned adventures.
I hope to be chosen for this incredible opportunity because not only would I absolutely love the chance to travel the world, I would enjoy greatly the opportunity to blow your mind writing about it. Oh, and if chosen, I promise I'll improve my analogies.
Peace be da journey.
To vote, please click here. If I win, I'll be sure to include your name in one of my many mind blowing blogs that will be written about my sweet adventures. Thanks gang. (Oh, and I almost forgot, if I win, I do get to bring one friend, so, this really could be a win-win for one of you. Which one of you? Well, I do love Skittles...)
Peace be da journey.
1) Voting = done
2) Which four states have you not yet seen?
Vote number 20. Jeff Edmondson is taking everyone to school. Best of luck to you sir.
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