Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Letter of Recommendation

Because my blog writing time this week was spent writing a letter of recommendation for my friend, Luke, the aforementioned letter has become this weeks post.  Enjoy!  

Dear Selection Committee:

I am writing to recommend Luke Meinholz for the SEEA 2009-2010 Scholarship.  I have had the great privilege of knowing Luke for nearly three years, and have had many opportunities to witness his strong character.  I first met Luke in 2006 when I was his counselor at the summer camp at which I am employed, Camp Gray.  Spending two weeks with Luke left me extremely impressed, and I remember encouraging him to consider working on our staff when he was old enough.  Two years later, Luke was hired as part of our summer staff.  Having the opportunity to be both a mentor and a peer to Luke has given me plenty of insight into his attitude and character.  

The summer that I was Luke's counselor was my first summer at Camp Gray.  Luke had been a camper for several years.  He was the type of camper that our returning staff knew well because of his great love of Camp Gray, his strong leadership among his fellow campers, and his terrific attitude.  Upon meeting Luke, I instantly recognized these qualities, and  was also struck by his incredible work ethic.  Luke was a camper in our two week Advanced Ranch Camp that summer.  Before the campers were permitted to ride, they would feed and tend to their horses, and then complete other chores around the stables.  Luke was, without question, the hardest working and most positive camper in our group those two weeks.       

During the fall of 2007, I was thrilled when Luke told me that he had applied to be on Camp's summer staff for 2008.  Luke wasn't old enough to be a counselor, so he instead was hired as the Maintenance Assistant.  Not the most glamorous of positions, I was confident that Luke would nonetheless shine, and shine he did.  Allow me to share an incident from last summer that I think exemplifies Luke's strong commitment and dedication.  I returned to the office one evening and was informed that there had been an unfortunate sewage disaster in one of Camp's bathrooms.  I headed toward the bathroom to assess the situation, and was pleasantly surprised to find Luke already nearly finished cleaning the bathroom.  To make light of the situation, he had donned a helmet and an orange reflection vest.  What impressed me most was that he hadn't been asked to clean the bathroom.           

Luke will be on staff again this summer, this time as a counselor for our campers in 2nd - 8th grade.  I can't help but feel like a proud Grandpa as one of my first campers will soon have campers of his own.  Luke's strong character and attitude will be on display for hundreds of campers this summer, and I'm ecstatic for those campers to have the opportunity to be mentored by such a wonderful young man.   

In closing, when I step back and think about Luke's positive attitude, his loyalty to his friends and family, his strong work ethic, and the wonderful example he is for both his peers and young people, he stands out in my mind as an ideal recipient of your 2009-2010 SEEA Scholarship. 


Chris Aderhold

Assistant Director

Camp Gray

1 comment:

Luke said...

Topher, I don't think I've ever thanked you enough for all the great things you've done for me. You are a gentleman and a great friend. I'm glad you are in my life.