Friday, February 19, 2010

The Plea...

Approximately three weeks ago, four friends (Sean, Jenna, Mo-T, & Bill) and I were itchin' for a road trip, and the only way to scratch that itch was to embark on a journey. The decision to set forth on an adventure proved to be the easy part, as deciding where our travels would take us left us perplexed. We decided to put forth a plea, asking the loyal readers of a blog for suggestions, and the response was overwhelming...

The first to respond to our plea was one of a blogs most loyal readers, Monica.

"Milwaukee. Two hour drive, plenty of couches to stay on, plenty of camp staff in the nearby area to hang out with (me, Kateri, Joseph, Zara etc etc). I can't think of a reason NOT to come to Milwaukee."

Doug, from Iowa, is newer to the a blog scene, but he's certainly not shy about putting forth his two cents:

"I can think of a reason not to go to Milwaukee, Monica: Doug and Brian are not there! Why not come and enjoy the pleasures of central Iowa? There's plenty of snow here, and we're having an awesome Mass Thursday night at our student center. Plus, is going to Milwaukee really an adventure? It's not even out of state!"

After reading Doug's post, we initially threw out his offer, as it included an event that was to take place during a time that we wouldn't be around. However, thankfully, the aforementioned Brian came to the rescue. With Brian's second-to-none wit, and writing ability that rivals some of the best, Doug and Brian were back in the game:

"Doug is correct that central Iowa is a beautiful place to visit, even if just for a few days. Now Douglass did forget to mention the fact that a Mr. Nennig also lives in the area, and while he did say that there is a Thursday Night Liturgy (foolishly not realizing that Thursday night doesn't fit in your allotted time), there is also several Ash Wednesday Masses to attend. Who wouldn't want to see one of the top 25 most beautiful campuses in the nation (among Pepperdine, Princeton, and U of Hawaii), especially whilst it's blanketed in a freshly fallen, fluffy snow? Also during your stay, we can offer such fine amenities as:

- A free health screening, provided by some lovely, well trained medical students.
- A NCAA mens basketball game in which the local Cyclones take on the stunning Oklahoma State Cowboys.
- A complementary computer science lecture on the defining of computational speed.
-Much, much more...

Now I know what your thinking, "What possible place on earth can one place offer so much, for such a reasonable overhead of money and travel time?" And my answer is "Ames, Iowa."

Though other offers came flooding in from folks in Denver, Colorado; Lawrence, Kansas; LaCrosse, Wisconsin; Edmond, Oklahoma, and St. Louis, Misery, Brian & Doug's Ames, Iowa one-two punch had us against the ropes... That is, until Tim back-hand slapped some sense into us...

"I would say Stevens Point, because I would love to see you guys, but let's be real. It's Stevens Point. I am not under any delusion (i.e. Doug and Brian) that my place of residence is of any interest to any of you. So best of luck to you guys and I look forward to seeing you soon."

Then it dawned on us: While many folks responded with exciting destinations for our travels - which was part one of the plea - nobody answered the second question of the plea:

"Also, in your email/comments, please let us know what a WNBA Big Box would consist of... I have my theories..."

The disappointment in the air could be cut with a knife. "Well gang," Sean said, "maybe a road trip isn't in the cards..."

Then, almost as if prodded to answer the question, Allie, from the bluegrass state of Kentucky, sent this money-post our way:

"One could ask "what is the WNBA exactly?" Is it trying to be just like the NBA? Is it trying to create its own identity? Kind of like this whole "lose weight with Taco Bell Fresco Menu" thing.... So in my humble opinion the $5 WNBA Big Box would consist of: Fresco Soft Taco, Fresco Burrito Supreme (chicken, of course), fiesta potatoes (no cheese or sour cream), & 12 oz water. And, yes, you will be unsatisfied once finished- Just like you are when done watching any WNBA team play..."

And.... Boom goes the dynamite.

"Sweet Sassy Molassey!!!" exclaimed Jenna, "We're heading to Kentucky!"

Allie - similar to when Harry donned a bullet proof vest and was a horrible shot - saved the day.

Mo-T sent Allie a text message at 12:41pm Tuesday, February 16th that simply read: "See ya at 3:30 in the morning..."

And with that, the road trip to Kentucky was made official...

To be continued...

- Peace be da journey

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